Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Day 8 8/20/12 - Meghan Doolittle

Today was our first day serving in San Jose. Our breakfast was amazing, a great start to the day. The woman who prepares the meals at the AMCA house is really taking care of us. We headed to Pavas for our sports clinic. The kids were adorable and so lovable. The first half of the clinic we worked with the youngsters from Kindergarden to 2nd grade. We tried some structured games just wanted extra love and attention. The girls were so sweet and just wanted to be held and tossed in the air. After our time with the little ones we played with the middle schoolers who love el futball. We divided into four teams and played soccer games. Which got pretty intense. All in all the sports clinic was really fun and the weather was good. The second half of the day we spent in San Jose getting ice cream and coffee. Going to the market was interesting. It was filled was tourist like things, but the hot item was the one person hammocks. Matt was the first of many to buy due to his bartering skills. After exploring the market we went in search of POPS ice cream and to buy Costa Rican coffee.  I believe Scott bought 25 bags. I really must say the coffee smell in our rooms is wonderful. As we are reaching the final day of our trip im beginning to get excited to return home but realizing how fun this group is. Its been incredible to share Gods word and to get to know each other better and grow closer together. I know its cliche and typical but this trip had made me realize how conveniant and easy our lives are. And how much we take for granted. I'm incredibly thankful for this experience that I know I'll never forget and I'm excited for whats in store for whats in store for out last day in Costa Rica.

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